بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
إن الحمد لله نحمده ونستعينه ونستهديه ونستغفره، ونعوذ بالله من شرور أنفسنا ومن سيئات أعمالنا، من يهده الله فلا مضل له، ومن يضلل فلن تجد له وليا مرشدا، والصلاة والسلام على خاتم الأنبياء والمرسلين سيدنا محمد وعلى آله و صحبه أجمعين

Friday, November 14, 2008

Ways to keep your husband's love insha Allah

1. Behave like a female, i.e. all the tenderness of a female… a man doesn’t want a man for his wife.

2. Dress pleasantly/attractively. If you are a home-maker, don’t stay in your sleeping suit all day.

3. Smell good. (does that need further explanations?)

4. Don’t lay out all your problems on your husband as soon as he walks in. Give him a little mental break.

5. Don’t keep asking him, “what are you thinking?”… because unlike women, men’s thoughts are as random as the results of a google search. Women on the other hand have thoughts as organized as a labeled file-cabinet!

6. Stop nagging non-stop before Allah Ta’aala gives you something really to complaint about.

7. Absolutely no talking about your spousal problems to anyone you meet under the pretense of seeking help, even if you are the victim.

8. Be kind to your mother-in-law the same way you would like your husband to be kind to your own mother.

9. Learn all the rights and obligations of each other in Islaam.

10. Race to the door when he comes home, as if you were waiting for him. Smile and hug.

11. Keep your house clean, at least to the level that he wants it.

12. Compliment him on the things you know he’s not so confident about (looks, intelligence) etc. This will build his self-esteem insha Allah

13. Tell him he’s the best husband ever.

14. Call his family often.

15. Give him a simple task to do at home and then thank him when he does it. This will encourage him to do more.

16. When he’s talking about something boring, listen and nod your head. Even ask questions to make it seem like you’re interested.

17. Encourage him to do good deeds.

18. If he’s in a bad mood, give him some space. He’ll get over it insha Allah.

19. Thank him sincerely for providing you with food and shelter. It’s a big deal.

20. If he’s angry with you and starts yelling, let him yell it out while you’re quiet. You will see your fight will end a lot faster. Then when he’s calm, you can tell him your side of the story and how you want him to change something.

21. When you’re mad at him, don’t say “YOU make me furious”, rather, “This action makes me upset”. Direct your anger to the action and circumstance rather than at him.

22. Remember that your husband has feelings, so take them into consideration.

23. Let him chill with his friends without guilt, especially if they’re good guys. Encourage him to go out, so he doesn’t feel “cooped up” at home.

24. If your husband is annoyed over a little thing you do (and you can control it), then stop doing it. Really.

25. Learn how to tell him what you expect without him having to guess all the time. Learn to communicate your feelings.

26. Don’t get mad over small things. It’s not worth it.

27. Keep things light and have some humor.

28. Tell him how well you do certain things as a wife without purposely praising yourself.

29. Learn to make his favorite dish.

30. Don’t ever, EVER talk bad about him with friends or family unnecessarily. If they end up agreeing with you, you will see that it hits you back in the face because you get more depressed that you have a bad husband and other people also think you have a bad husband.

31. Use your time wisely and get things accomplished. If you’re a housewife, take online classes and get active in your community. This will make you happy and a secondary bonus is that it impresses your husband.

32. Do all of the above fee sabeelillah and you will see Allah will put barakah in everything you do insha Allah.

33. Husband and wife should discuss and communicate with wisdom with each other to convey what they like and dislike of each other to do or not to do. NOT give command or instruction like servant. “They are garment to each other”

34. Tell your husband you love him many many times just like Aaishah radiallahu 'anhaa and the Prophet salla Allahu 'alaihi wasallam.

35. Have a race with your husband and let him win, even if you are much fitter and stronger than him. (well sometimes let him win...)

36. Keep fit and take care of your health so you will remain a strong mother, wife, cook and housekeeper insha Allah.

37. Refine and cultivate good mannerisms, i.e do not whine, don’t laugh or talk too loud or walk like an elephant.

38. Do not leave the house without his permission and certainly not without his knowledge.

39. Make sure all his clothes are clean and pressed so he is always looking fresh and crisp.

40. Ask Allah to strengthen and preserve the bonds of compassion and love between the two of you, every day, every prayer. Ask him to protect that bond from Shaytaan. When a lesser devil destroys the love between spouses, he is the most beloved of Shaytaan. Nothing works like do3aa, and love only exists between spouses where Allah instills it. Masha Allah.

41. They say that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach..this may be true.

42. Always let him know that you appreciate him working and bringing home the dough. It makes it easier for him to go to work.

43. Make sure you ALWAYS have something for dinner.

44. Brush your hair.. everyday.

45. Don’t forget to do laundry.

46. Surprise him with gifts. Even necessities can be gifts.. ex: new shoes, books, pillows, etc.

47. Listen to him.

48. Try (hard as it might be) to take interest in his hobbies. Try very hard not to go shopping too much…and spend all his money.

49. Prepare special dinners for your family.

50. Take care of your skin, esp. facial. Face is center of attraction.

51. Don’t discuss important/controversial matters with him when he is tired or sleepy. Find right time for right discussion.

52. Learn to compromise.

53. Continue to do things for your husband and don’t take him for granted.

57. Respect his rights.

58. Whatever you do for him, intend it for the sake of Allah so you can get even more blessings insha Allah for doing so.